Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Talking To Babies Example

Talking To Babies Example Talking To Babies – Coursework Example Talking to Babies al Affiliation) Talking to Babies There are numerous advantages of talking to babies before they beginto talk. It is not prudent to wait for them to commence uttering their first words to start talking to them. Research on infant speech indicate that talking to babies enhance their brain power, in addition to establishing the foundation of success in school (Sample, 2014). Further research indicates that talking to babies enable them to understand the â€Å"rules and rhythms of language† before they begin to speak. However, developmental psychologists do not recommend that adult to baby talk be similar to that of adult to adult talk. Neither do they require adults to speak baby talk when talking to babies. Research indicates that the best way to talk to babies before they begin to speak is by speaking â€Å"parentese† (Speak Parentese, Not Baby Talk). This is a method whereby the adult uses a musical way of talking to children by stretching the vowels to ensure that the words are clear to the baby. Such talk enables caregivers to develop a connection with the babies as they develop language skills. According to Sample, (2014) it is important to talk to babies from the first day because language development is fundamental to brain development. Babies ought to have minds that can conceptualize. Research on infant speech indicates that babies are fascinated by the way adults talk to them. Therefore, talking to babies before they begin to speak enable their brain to â€Å"map† the sounds and imitate the caregivers; hence understanding the language.ReferencesSample, I. (2014, February 14). Talking to babies boosts their brain power, studies show. Retrieved February 19, 2015, from theguardian.com/science/2014/feb/14/talking-to-babies-brain-power-language Top of FormBottom of FormSpeak Parentese, Not Baby Talk. (n.d.). Retrieved February 19, 2015, from pbs.org/parents/child-development/baby-and-toddler/baby-talk-speaking-parentes e/

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